Peter Erskine 'No Beethoven'

Drummer Peter Erskine is an important part of the music scene since the early seventies. The list of recordings he contributed to is impressive not to say overwhelming. Not only it's a long one, no it's a list of sometimes landmark music of that same period. Talking about lists. That of musicians and bands he collaborated with is of similar length and importance.

I am not going to dive deeper into this. Read for yourself. Those who believed this to be a framed story of Erskine's time with Weather Report (1978-1982) don't get what they expected. But personnaly I'm even more satisfied with the outcome. He shares stories and events, often not even chronologic. A must read for everyone serious about drumming, music and life. Yes life, I've you think that success is just around the corner for someone that talented then think again.

This book will go up on my bookshelf next to Bill Milkowski's "Jaco". I think mr. Erskine would approve.

Peter Erskine No Beethoven book